The 66 MW Parkes Solar Farm is one of the first solar farms constructed by Neoen in Australia.
Solar farms are quiet, with the same solar panels you would place on your roof – there are just more of them.
Sheep graze peacefully under the solar panels to help keep the grass down while the panels also provide shade and protection.
The Parkes Solar Farm is a project is located approximately 10km west of Parkes in New South Wales.
It’s a half hour drive from another proposed Neoen project, Alectown Wind Farm.

With a balanced portfolio of wind, solar and big battery projects, we are aiming to achieve 10 GW by 2030.
Our goal is to own and operate our projects and as long-term neighbours, we are committed to sharing the benefits with surrounding communities.
This dedication to community and environment has made us a renewable energy developer of choice. We have invested more than $4 billion in the Australian market and developed over 4 GW of renewable energy assets.